Sunday, January 24, 2010

Do you Know?

Can you identify this cute bear planter for me? It's not McCoy!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

For Sale Item-Sports Line Plante with White Interior

This items is to be added to my page for sale...l00.00...white interior is not a common color for the sports line planters.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

McCoy Pottery Collectors Society

The Society has new Officers as of January 1st and I'm really excited about that. You can check them out on the 'contacts' page of the Society Website. These are folks who will work together for the good of the Society and help it grow.

Monday, January 18, 2010


Because McCoy did make stretch animals, sellers 'assume' the cats they find are McCoys...but They're NOT! McCoy did not make stretch cats!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

McCoy Pottery Collectors Society

If you're into McCoy Pottery and are not a Member of our Society, Check us Out!

Over twenty years ago McCoy collectors began gathering in Zanesville, Ohio during Pottery Week. Several years ago we formalized the Group so it would continue on into the future...and we are THE MCCOY POTTERY COLLECTORS SOCIETY. Our Web address is


To help my webmaster out, I can post things here easily and not bother him to insert my "Dibs and Dabs" of infomation I want to share.

I've collected McCoy for many years and like to share the knowledge I've gained with those who are interested.

I need to empty some shelves so if you see something on my for sale page that you're intersted in, write, I'll make a deal if I can. A lot of my collection was bought when prices were really high...thus some things I can't cut much...but let me know if there's anything there you're intersted in!